
Mikalai Statkevich at the threshhold of KGB Headquarters during the vigil on 29 October in Minsk. Photo: Euroradio
Mikalai Statkevich at the threshhold of KGB Headquarters during the vigil on 29 October in Minsk. Photo: Euroradio
Mikalai Statkevich is likely to stand trial for organizing an unauthorized street rally in Minsk.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
Some 200 opposition activists attended the Outraged Belarusians' March 2.0 in central Minsk.
Photo: svaboda.org
Photo: svaboda.org
Two uniformed policemen and two agents in plain clothes detained Maksim Vinyarski near his house.
Archive photo: Volha and Pavel Sevyarynets. Photo: svaboda.org
Archive photo: Volha and Pavel Sevyarynets. Photo: svaboda.org
The opposition politician was detained when walking with his pregnant wife in Minsk. He will serve 15 days in jail.
Pavel Sevyarynets. Photo: Reuters
Pavel Sevyarynets. Photo: Reuters
The leader of Belarusian Christian Democracy is punished for participation in an unauthorized rally in Minsk on September 8.
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The Movement For Freedom, BPF Party, the Party of the Left 'Fair World' attended the meeting with
Photo: screenshot from Belsat’s video
Photo: screenshot from Belsat’s video
The politician has served a 7-day arrest for participation in an unauthorized street action on September 8.
Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu (left) attending the rally on September 8.
Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu (left) attending the rally on September 8.
The poet and opposition activist Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu gets 7 days of arrest for participating in the street protest in Minsk.

Photo: Facebook
Photo: Facebook
Pavel Sevyarynets has uploaded the photo to Facebook.