
Yarmoshyna visited Babruisk, Lyabedzka was in Budapest. Kalyakin went to the countryside, Afanasyieva enjoyed Egypt and France.

Minsk's Partizanski District Court rules to sentence three members of Alternativa civil campaign to five days of arrest.

Alyaksei Yanukevich drives an old car that belongs to his father. Euroradio has learnt how expensive the opposition leaders' cars are.

As well as Fyaduta, Vaznyak and Martsaleu.

Stanislau Shushkevich publicly calls Aleh Manayeu a traitor for his sociological surveys and says public opinion polls are impossible in Belarus.

Young Belarus chairman Zmitser Kaspyarovich was arrested and removed from a Vilnius-bound train.

Stanislau Shushkevich calls doctor of sociology Aleh Manayeu a traitor during the East European Conference in Warsaw.

Belarus key opposition figures did not touch on sanctions issue during the 10th East European Conference at Warsaw University on July 15.

The office was opened on July 9, 1993 in Varvasheni Street, 8 (renamed to Masherau Street later) in Belarus capital Minsk.