
The leader of the United Civil Party is accused of violating the rules of conducting mass actions.

A total of 233 representatives of political parties enter 364 election commissions across Belarus

The voting will be held on the local elections day, says UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka.

Pro-democracy opposition leaders discuss 2013 achievements with Euroradio.

Minsk's Central District Court judge Victoria Shabunya on December 20 sentenced Maxim Vinyarski to 15 days of administrative detention.

They plan to do it at the All-Belarusian Congress.

The Belarusian and Ukrainian riot police acted in the same way during the Square-2010 and Maidan-2013.

The party has invited people with the tickets to come to their office for presents.

Pavel Sevyarynets and Volha Shylak have become engaged and will get married next year.