Oil and Gas

Illustration / pixabay.com
Illustration / pixabay.com
Belarus had to suspend the exports of light petroleum products following the supply of low-quality crude oil from Russia.
Belarus introduces restrictions on the exports of light petroleum products after low-quality oil from Russia affects refineries.
The Russian oli pipeline company Transneft describes Belarus' plans as 'quite controversial' that require negotiations.
The higher excise duty rates on automobile fuel will be in effect through the end of 2019.
Photo: president.gov.by
Photo: president.gov.by
President Lukashenka seeks to calm down public opionion over the losses that Belarus may suffer due to Russia’s tax maneuver.
Photo: pixabay.com
Photo: pixabay.com
Russian DPM Dmitri Kozak says 'principal decisions on the further integration of Belarus and Russia should be taken first.'
Photo: pixabay.com
Photo: pixabay.com
Minsk reckons to lose $10 billion due to Russia's oil tax maneuver but hopes for ‘compensation measures.’
Photo: vistanews.ru
Photo: vistanews.ru
Minsk is set to keep its share of fuel supplies at Ukraine's market despite Russia's ban on fuel and LPG exports to Belarus.
Photo: kremlin.ru
Photo: kremlin.ru
Belarus gets money from Russia's loans and customs duties but is soon to face a higher market price for Russian crude oil.