non-governmental organization

He will stay there until the sentence comes into force. Before this, the human rights defender was in custody in the Valadarski Street denetion center No.1.

It is taking place in the Prtyzanski district court of Minsk. Everyone who wanted to see the trial - about 10 people - were admitted.

The Partyzanski district court of Minsk will consider the cases of one of "Viasna"s leader.

Zmitser Layeuski will bring it to Minsk City Court.

The authorities' pressure has become the reason for that.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has informed journalists about it in Poznań.

The signees demand to release the convicted human rights defender as soon as possible.

The third civil society forum of the Eastern Partnership countries is taking place in Poznan, Poland.

It is initiated by the German human rights organization Libereco.