non-governmental organization

Most of the money went to the state or international implementors and not to "the fifth column" inside Belarus, according to independent report.

He was delivered to military unit #65402 in Masykoushchyna.

Leader of Zmiena youth pressure group Pavel Vinahradau spent almost six hours in a police station for 'preventive conversation'.

The sentence of the leader of Tell the Truth has been vacated today.

Mihas Muski has been delivered to Minsk from Lapichy today.

Minsk's Leninski District Court vacates the ex-presidential candidate's sentence.

Alyaksei Yanukevich drives an old car that belongs to his father. Euroradio has learnt how expensive the opposition leaders' cars are.

Stanislau Shushkevich publicly calls Aleh Manayeu a traitor for his sociological surveys and says public opinion polls are impossible in Belarus.

Young Belarus chairman Zmitser Kaspyarovich was arrested and removed from a Vilnius-bound train.