non-governmental organization

Activists from youth pressure group Zmena cycled along Surhanau Street to Victor Tsoi’s Changes on October 2.

Dozens of organizations, campaigns and initiatives have joined it since foundation.

Pavel Vinahradau and his father have been delivered to Minsk Soviet District Court.

Dagmar Novohradska tells Euroradio about political prisoners, Makei's progress, visas, queues at the border, local drinks, and a beer fest in Minsk.

The ex-political prisoner was transferred there on September 21.

The leader of Speak the Truth! civil campaign Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu does not rule out running again for Belarusian president's office.

Civil activist Illya Dabratvor was released in the evening of September 4 after ending his 5-day arrest.

The former political prisoner is simply stepping down as the organization head, according to Nasta Dashkevich.

Prosecutor's office in Minsk orders the police to follow up on NGO's appeal over the legal procedures breach by Belarus Today journalist.