Mikhas Ilyin

The new channel is called Little Brest Cook.

The poster that could be the reason to imprison the Belarusian IT specialist in Russia has been demonstrated there.

Mihail Lukashevich has been sent to a psychiatric expertise, human rights defenders say.

A district court in Brest sentences freelance journalist Іna Khomich to a fine for cooperating with a foreign media without accreditation.

Tamara Shchapyotkina was found guilty of working with foreign media without accreditation.

A man who made a fence with political mottoes is accused of slander.

Belarusians begin to sell - not just buy out - foreign money, bank tellers reveal to Euroradio correspondents in Minsk and Brest.

Ales Lyauchuk has been summoned to the police by phone.

Huge posters with photos of Victar Hanchar, Anatol Krasouski, Yury Zaharanka and Dzmitry Zavadski have appeared in the centre of the city.