Mikalay Statkevich

Passers-by did not want to let the ex-political prisoner go long after the unauthorized picket had ended.

The relations will keep improving, the head of the EU representative office in Belarus hopes.

CEC Chairwoman gives interview to Tvoyo Segodnya (VIDEO)

The politician will have to come to the police whenever he is told to and will not be able to leave his place of residence for more than 30 days.

He wanted to be a decent man. But there are no nations without heroes, the politician thinks.

The ex-political prisoner says he thought Nyaklyayeu was a decent person but did not know about his real role in the Tell the Truth campaign.

The most famous freed political prisoner speaks about English, inmates and future plans.

The ex-political prisoner has received a release notice.

The country hopes that October 11 presidential election in Belarus will correspond to the OSCE/ODIRH standards.