Mikalay Statkevich

The party will keep functioning as an organizing committee because it is unlikely to be registered.
Entrepreneurs seek a permit to march from the Academy of Sciences to Bangalore Square and hold a protest.
8 people took part in the committee, which Mikalai Statkevich said will not include communists and ‘KGB agents.’
Ex-presidential candidate and political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich reacts to the election results in Belarus.
It will be held on the eve of the Election Day.
Former political prisoner invited Aliaksandr Lukashenka, too
He was penalized for holding in Minsk an unauthorized picket on September 10.
He is offering to discuss the results of the 21-year reign of Aliaksandr Lukashenka.
The politician organized an unauthorized picket in the centre of Minsk.