Mikalay Statkevich

The oppositionists are planning to organize the action in Minsk on November 24.
His name was not removed from the list of registered initiative groups.
Poet Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu who also was a presidential contender in 2010 is the head of Statkevich's nominating group.
The Court has punished the ex-political prisoner for refusing to pay fines for participation in unauthorized actions.
Opposition leaders are set to hold a congress of pro-democracy forces on May 15 but face obstacles to find a venue.
Customs officials thoroughly inspected the politician's car when he was crossing border from Poland back into Belarus.
The opposition candidates could have good chances to win if fair vote count was ensured, according to Mikola Statkevich.
Mikalai Statkevich says a lot of money will be spent on the governmental sector instead of pro-democracy NGOs in Belarus.
The politician is not going to pay fines for unauthorized actions.