Mihail Myasnikovich

Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich was at the House of Representatives on Monday and made several statements in front of MPs.

Minsk hopes for the abolition of restrictions on capital movement.

Prime Minister Dzmitry Medvedev says Russia and Belarus may have signed joint projects by the end of the year if Belarus expedites privatization.

On October 21, he will attend a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Union State of Belarus and Russia.

Belarus Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich used Belarusian in his speech today at the State Philharmonic Society - a rare occasion.

Prime Minister Mkhail Myasnikovich says government officials are to blame for the lack of progress in economic development of Belarus.

The meeting was initiated by the head of Belarusian government.

On October 2 the president met with Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich to discuss Russia's 'tax maneuver' in the oil sector.

Belarus PM and U.S. President had a brief chat at the welcome reception for the heads of delegations at the UN General Assembly.