Lyavon Barshcheuski scouts Surhanava Street

Lyavon Barshcheuskі, Vіntsuk Vyachorka and Vіctar Іvashkevіch sent a letter to Minsk City Executive Committee on March 24. The applicants for the action dated for Freedom Day demand to punish the people who have sent them to Bangalore Square.
The applicants say that Minsk City Executive Committee has sent the action that will take place on March 25 to Bangalore Square. Participants will have to walk there from the Academy of Sciences along Surhanava Street. However, the organizers say that the street is not good for a manifestation. Participants are going to carry 3 and 5-meter long transparencies. However, the street in some spots is only 1.2 meters wide. There is also a car park near two houses (## 24 and 26) and the column of demonstrators will not be able to walk past them.

"In connection with the facts mentioned above, we are expressing a protest against the hastiness  of the decision of Minsk City Executive Committee and are asking to punish the people who prepared it”, - informs the press service of the BNF Party quoting one of the applicants.