
Arkadz Izrailevich. Photo: Facebook
Arkadz Izrailevich. Photo: Facebook
Kurapaty defender Dzyanis Urbanovich has received a leg injury in the fight.
Photo: Belarusian Ministry of Culture
Photo: Belarusian Ministry of Culture
The monument will be in the form of four pillars stuck into the ground symbolizing a chapel.
The driver started a fight with one of the Kurapaty defenders after the incident.
The Popular Front leader gets a $350 fine for taking part in the protests against the restaurant near the Kurapaty memorial.
The politician has spent the night in Minsk District detention centre and may stand trial on Wednesday.
Activists Dashkevich, Laurukhin and Minets walk out from the police station free but face a fine for violating the trade rules.
Activists have pasted leaflets with information about communist repressions and copies of Kurapaty defenders’ protocols on the fen
3 activists were detained when they tried to mount new crosses near the Poyedem-Poyedim restaurant next to the memorial.
An activist's arm was fractured when a Kurapaty restaurant customer drove her vehicle into protesters.