
Screenshot from Belarus 1 TV footage.
Screenshot from Belarus 1 TV footage.
Archeologists have recreated a several thousands years-old settlement on the site of a soon-to-be open-air museum in the reserve.
The exhumation aims to take DNA samples to compare them with the remains of a man in Vilnius believed to be Kastus Kalinouski.
Raman Protasevich, Euroradio​
Raman Protasevich, Euroradio​
Belarus opens the Exclusion Zone for tourists 33 years after the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
The chapel at the Rosa Cemetery in Vilnius where the remains of the insurgents will be reburied/ 15min.lt​
The chapel at the Rosa Cemetery in Vilnius where the remains of the insurgents will be reburied/ 15min.lt​
Lithuanian Culture Minister Mindaugas Kvetkauskas says his government plans to invite Aliaksandr Lukashenka to the reburial.
Belarusian parliament member Ihar Marzaluk making a public speech. File photo: BELTA
Belarusian parliament member Ihar Marzaluk making a public speech. File photo: BELTA
MP Ihar Marzaluk proposes to establish the National Memory Institute and add the 'History of Statehood' for university students.
Belarus 1 TV image
Belarus 1 TV image
The 8-meter-long boat was 'caught' by a fisherman in in the Neman River.
Euroradio image
Euroradio image
Opposition activists stood holding lit candles in front of the KGB headquarters on 29 October.
Photo: Euroradio archives
Photo: Euroradio archives
It will be organized on October 28.
Photo: psu.by
Photo: psu.by
It was in a small underground temple built near the walls of the Transfiguration Church in Polatsk.