Funny things in the world

Pictures made in the Italian city have become a sensation in social networks.

The incident involving Nicolás Maduro happened on September 15 during a mass sports event in Caracas.

Belarus president gets the award for "turning public applause into an illegal action"; the police – "for arresting a one-armed man for applause."

This “art” is displayed not far from a playlot in Tukums, Latvia.

An unusual incident happened in Kuzbass. The Sphinx cat was arrested for his owner's debts. The cat was evaluated as 500 Russian roubles ($15).

Ivan Ostroushko, 8, gets a military draft notice despite being a 2nd grade schoolboy in Ukraine.

Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova planned to keep a new surname to promote her candy brand during the upcoming US Open.

A surgeon has been arrested in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia on suspicion of having stolen heroin from a drug courier under operation.