Sanctions against Belarus

She was banned from entering the EU in 2004 after a referendum allowing Lukashenka to be president for more than two terms.

Political commentator explains why our country will not make concessions to the European Union.

According to the President, the EU itself is suffering from the influence of other center of power.

First Deputy Foreign Minister Aliaksandr Mikhnevich tells an investment forum in London that business should be scared to invest in Belarus.

The European Union lifts sanctions against 7 Belarusian companies that belong to businessmen Chyzh, Tarnauski and Peftsiyeu.

Political scientist Andrey Yeliseyeu expressed this opinion in an interview with Euroradio.

Council of the European Union has extended the sanctions against Belarus until 31 October 2015.

The US officials on a visit to Minsk sought opportunities for interaction, but asked difficult questions.

Belarusian Foreign Ministry's spokesman Dzmitry Mironchyk declines to comment on the updated EU sanctions against Belarus officials.