Eastern partnership summit in Vilnius

Other representatives of the Polish and Swedish Ministries will come to Minsk on October 24-25.

A meeting between Belarusian Deputy Foreign Minister Alena Kupchyna and German Ambassador Wolfram Maas took place on October 21.

Polish and Swedish Ministers for Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski and Carl Bildt will be among them.

It is unknown yet whether Alyaksandr Lukashenka, who is in the EU's "black list", will be able to attend the Eastern Partnership summit.

The invitations to the Eastern Partnership summit have been passed to the diplomats of Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Thomas Melia tells Euroradio about Belarus’ potential, necessity of European integration and expectations of the United States.

The Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs did not answer journalists’ question about political prisoners.

The meeting of the EU and "Eastern Partnership" member states foreign ministers starts there today.