Detention of journalists in Belarus

"CCTV cameras at Leninski District Police Department did not capture my beating,” Dzyanis Maruk says.
Volunteer Yuliya Hrankova was found guilty of illegal dissemination of information via a mass medium - her social media account.
Minsk Maskouski District Court sentenced him to 15 days of imprisonment for ‘petty hooliganism’ on Monday.
The police in several Belarusian cities detain journalists who cooperate with Belsat TV.
The journalists were detained in the regional centre on June 21.
Minister Lilia Ananich says journalists should be 'constructive and more creative' when asked about the beaten reporter.
Minsk police have commented on the incident, which occurred on 25 January.
Policemen snatched the camera and journalist’s ID out of his hands and booted him, reporter Pavel Dabravolski said.
Pavel Dabravolski was filming the police officers removing young activists from the courtroom during the 'graffiti case' trial.