Detention in Belarus

He has been let off soon after the detention, BelaPAN reports.

The riot police attacked people when they were leaving.

Maskouski district court of Minsk took this decision on November 14.

Judge Navitskaya rules straightaway to sentence activist Leanid Smouzh to 5 days of arrest.

Activist Leanid Smouzh will stand trial in Minsk's Leninski district court for wearing an anti-Lukashenka T-shirt.

He has been accused of disobedience to the police.

Eight people have been delivered to Moscow District Department of the Interior.

It has happened at about 12 p.m. today, on November 6.

Yury Rubtsou from Homel gets three days of arrest over his anti-Lukashenka T-shirt during November 3 manifestation to Kurapaty.