Detention in Belarus

The activist hoisted a white-red-white flag near the Red Catholic Church in the capital.

The police arrested Zmitser Paloika upon his arrival at the railway station and accused him of 'petty hooliganism.'

The participants of the distribution of ribbons with the Belarusian national ornaments were detained at noon on Saturday.

He is accused of organizing an unauthorized mass action.

Former prisoner of KGB jail Andrei Haidukou was detained when distributing leaflets about political prisoners.

Protocol was sent back for revision.

Stas Babaitsau faces 15 days in jail for 'swearing in public' after asking a police patrol to present their ID.

Ex-political prisoner gets accused of unauthorized distribution of printed materials.

Uladislau Koshaleu was found guilty of holding unsanctioned meeting of dormitory residents on one of the floors.