Conflict in the Crimea

The United States moves to halt all trade and investment talks with Russia until the conflict in Ukraine is resolved.

Vladimir Putin, Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Nursultan Nazarbayev discussed the Ukrainian problem by phone on March 3, BelaPAN reports.

The Council of the EU condemns the intervention of armed troops into Ukraine and says that such actions violate the international law.

Journalist Pavel Mitskevich was detained on March 3 by Russian border guards when returning from Russia back to Belarus.

Euroradio has asked economist Leanid Zlotnikau about the economic consequences of the conflict in Crimea and the things Putin is afraid of.

The bill on annexation of Crimea was registered by 16 Russian MPs on February 28, Ukrainian Pravda reports referring to the website of the Duma.

The participants of the anti-war protest near the Russian Embassy on Sunday are standing trial in Minsk's Central District Court.

Russians have tried seizing an armory of the tactic aviation brigade in Sevastopol today.

Belarus' border control committee says there are no Ukrainian refugees at the border.