
Activists Dashkevich, Laurukhin and Minets walk out from the police station free but face a fine for violating the trade rules.
Activists have pasted leaflets with information about communist repressions and copies of Kurapaty defenders’ protocols on the fen
3 activists were detained when they tried to mount new crosses near the Poyedem-Poyedim restaurant next to the memorial.
An activist's arm was fractured when a Kurapaty restaurant customer drove her vehicle into protesters.
Authorities in Belarus promised an average pension to make at least 40% of the average wage but then changed their mind.
The head of Presidential Administration Natallia Kachanava reiterates the fight with corruption will be transparent and ruthless.
The first dress rehearsal of the military parade was organized in the Belarusian capital on June 23.
Young Moroccans increasingly arrive from the FIFA World Cup in Russia, trying to cross the border between Belarus and the EU.
Kurapaty defenders and the owner of the restaurant near the mass graves reportedly seek ways out of the impasse.