
The number of babies born in Belarus in 2017 is 14000 less than in the previous year.
Belarus tractors parade in Independence Square in Minsk. Photo: Euroradio
Belarus tractors parade in Independence Square in Minsk. Photo: Euroradio
The fairy-tale heroes marched through central Minsk along decorated and illuminated Belarus tractors.
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenka Photo:
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenka Photo:
Foreign tourists can stay in the Hrodna and Brest regions of Belarus without a visa for ten days, effective from 2018.
The persons who used to be involved in “the White Legion case” are studying the case papers that are ‘too watery’.
Photo: Mihailina Skorik’s Facebook.
Photo: Mihailina Skorik’s Facebook.
The Ukrainian citizen is “on the black list”.
Regnum authors on trial in a Minsk court. TUT.BY image
Regnum authors on trial in a Minsk court. TUT.BY image
Three writers for the Russian news agency Regnum are charged with instigating racial, ethnic and religious hostility.
The Bulbash-Hall entertainment center in Kurapaty. Photo:
The Bulbash-Hall entertainment center in Kurapaty. Photo:
The object will be put into service in January 2018.
Photo: open source
Photo: open source
The Belarus Partisan website resumes work in the .by domain after Information Ministry's blocking last week in the .org domain.
Metropolitan Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz. Photo:
Metropolitan Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz. Photo:
The Roman Catholic church leader hopes Pope Francis will come to Belarus during his visit to the Baltic states.