
Russians, Poles and Lithuanians will be able to listen to them soon too.

A campaign "Rock Solidarity" has started in Minsk. Its aim is to support independent rock-musicians.

The Belarusian-Swiss folk-jazz project ended their Belarusian tour with a big solo concert in the city on Bug.

Today's the 31st anniversary since a famous rock musician, singer and poet John Lennon died.

Edward Lobau's mother told the Estonians about her last meeting with her son, while Zmitser Bandarenka's wife reminded about the KGB prison.

It was difficult to recognize the pretentious concert hall - people danced everywhere, while Victar Babarykin's orchestra stuck to Balkan rythms till the end.

However, the film will be about Estonia and its producer is Estonian Peeter Simm.

And Belarusians made Zakopower go all out.