
Dzmitry Laeuski was not allowed to see the political prisoner, who is in a punitive isolation ward in Horki colony.

Hrodna journalist has told Euroradio about his imprisonment, cell-mates and convoy, and shared his plans for the future (photo report).

He was holding a streamer, giving interviews to Polish and Belarusian media. The picketeters called on drivers to signal in support of Poczobut. (photo)

The ex-presidential candidate has been in the Republican prison hospital in Valadarski Street since July 1.

Jerzy Buzek has come up with such an appeal at the opening of EP's session on July 4.

"Only 7 people will be admitted to the court to hear the sentence", - the journalist's wife Aksana Poczobut informed.

What is said in the Law on home policy organs and the Administrative Code about it? Let us compare.

He claimed it in his conversation with Pavel Baradzin, the State Secretary of the Union State.

Applause can be clearly heard in the video and one can seen two young men being detained afterwards.