
Sharon Stone takes a lie detector test / Footage from the film "Basic Instinct"
Sharon Stone takes a lie detector test / Footage from the film "Basic Instinct"
How does the lie detector work and should it be used at all?
Flight to the free world / sample photo pixabay.com
Flight to the free world / sample photo pixabay.com
They received humanitarian visas or international protection.
Belarus opposition reacts to Putin's statement on nuclear weapons in Belarus.
Russian nuclear weapons / AP
Russian nuclear weapons / AP
On June 16, the Russian president spoke about the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.
House of Representatives / @housegovby
House of Representatives / @housegovby
The House of Representatves pass the amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure in two readings.
Belarus is being closely watched / Sample photo by Reuters
Belarus is being closely watched / Sample photo by Reuters
It will happen ahead of the NATO Summit in Lithuania.
Disappearance of Lukashenka doesn't automatically mean that prisons will open.
Aliaksandr Lukashenka during military exercises / AP
Aliaksandr Lukashenka during military exercises / AP
The order of succession to the throne is clearly spelled out.
Yevheniy Shevchenko visiting Aliaksandr Lukashenka, April 2021 / president.gov.by
Yevheniy Shevchenko visiting Aliaksandr Lukashenka, April 2021 / president.gov.by
Pro-Lukashenka Ukrainian MP acted in Belarus on orders from Ukrainian intelligence.