
The Russian frontier guards have these lists, too, so it will be impossible for the Belarusian travel banned to go to the third country through Russia.

Release of political prisoners may help to get the EU ambassadors back to Minsk but it won't help to make relations with the EU better, the experts think.

This has been informed by Anatol Lyabedzka who met with with Russian ombudsman Uladzimir Lukin in Moscow.

The civil association "Belaya Rus" suggests bringing on responsibility for urges to impose sanctions against the official Minsk.

Foreign Minister Syarhei Martynau has made the statement after Lukashenka’s meeting dedicated to foreign policy issues.

Leader of the Party of the Left “Fair World” Syarhei Kalyakin has informed Euroradio about it.

Maya Kocijancic, spokesperson of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton, has informed Euroradio about it.

However, he has stressed that blackmail and pressure exercised by the EU on Belarus are unacceptable.

The Belarusian state leader has made the statement at a meeting dedicated to foreign policy issues.