
Aliaksandr Lukashenka during a trip to Orsha / BELTA
Aliaksandr Lukashenka during a trip to Orsha / BELTA
Lukashenka orders the government to divert Belarusian trade flows from the seaports in Lithuania to other countries.
Paul Hansen / worldpressphoto.org
Paul Hansen / worldpressphoto.org
World Press Photo winning journalist Paul Hansen from Sweden is banned to enter Belarus for five years.
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya / t.me/pulpervoi
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya / t.me/pulpervoi
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and Stephen Biegun met in Vilnius to discuss political crisis in Belarus.
Aleh Arlou / t.me/modmilby
Aleh Arlou / t.me/modmilby
Belarus says it used military helicopters to stop air balloons with 'anti-state slogans'.
liaksandr Lukjanski / Maryia Vaitovich, Euroradio
liaksandr Lukjanski / Maryia Vaitovich, Euroradio
Endless beating, threats and police baton rapes. Here are some stories by some of the inpatients of the Emergency Care Hospital.
Pavel Latushka / Euroradio
Pavel Latushka / Euroradio
"Is power such a powerful drug that it prevents decision-taking in the interest of other people?" the politician says.
Pavel Latushka / Reuters
Pavel Latushka / Reuters
Former diplomat, culture minister and National Drama Theater director says many officials 'on Italian strike.'
A rally in Hrodna / hrodna.life
A rally in Hrodna / hrodna.life
The local state-owned TV channels described the rally as a 'people's forum.'
Fundraising / Euroradio
Fundraising / Euroradio
Activists say every Belarusian worker fired for striking can get 1500 euros in compensation.