
Tamara Sidarenka, lawyer of persons named in political case, may be prohibited to work despite her 33-years working experience.

Yelena Gremina has described why the topic of Nyaklyayeu’s imprisonment interests Russians, who is imposing Stockholm syndrome on us and where the new performan

Lithuanian politician Mečys Laurinkus has told about interesting coincidences and mistakes made by Dalia Grybauskaitė in Byalyatski's case.

Alyaksandr Kazulin has commented on Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s statement about the necessity to reduce the period spent as a student.

Google employee Ihar Mihanyok describes the early World Wide Web in Belarus.

The politician says that “lightning never strikes twice in the same place” and that he is unlikely to be sent to Maloye Sitna penal labour camp again.

The famous Belarusian swimmer will become an actress. Aliaksandra Herasimenia participates in a TV-series based on Andrej Kurejchyk's script.

Information about pressure being exercised on political prisoners who are being made to plead pardon has recently appeared in mass media.

Leanid Zaika refutes the idea that a lot of Belarusians will suddenly emigrate to work abroad or start protesting.