
One of the organizers of the People’s Assembly, Henadz Fyadynich, is asking the police not to confuse the law on assemblies with the law on mass actions.

Representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Harry Pahanyayla comments on discharge of Minsiter of Justice on air to Euroradio.

A designer from Baranavichy and his friends recorded a debut album.

She asks the women to try to convince their husbands to put pressure on Lukashenka.

The well-known human rights defender and Ales Byalyatski’s colleague has returned to Minsk after two months in Vilnius.

A session of members of the dissolved civil-consultative council by the President's Administration took place on September 28.

The political refugee is convinced that the current authorities are not interested in appearance of even controlled opposition in Parliament.

Attention! We address to all Euroradio's listeners. It became known that the British band Kasabian let a Velociraptor out last week.

Renewal of the dialogue between Belarus and the EU is possible only after release and rehabilitation of all political prisoners.