
Fortunately, nobody was killed, the local office of Emergencies Ministry reports .

One person was injured when a 80 m-high exhaust pipe fell down on a boiler house on March 17.

2 sub-machine guns, 20 pistols, a Saiga carbine, knives, cues and even an angel grinder were seized by the police after negotiations and surrender.

The student spotted a man in a metro car typing a terrorist message on his cell phone.

The test sample of the MZKT-500200 has failed its test at Pinsk frontier post.

They shot in the air from submachine guns, Russian Planet journalist Pavel Nikulin reports the latest events from Belbek military base in Crimea.

Minsk metro was closed for about 3 hours due to information about some “strange objects” at its stations.

“Strange objects” have been found there. All passengers have been evacuated.

The 30-year-old Minsker is suspected of burning 12 cars.