
An unusual incident happened in Kupalauskaya metro station in Minsk.

Three carriages came off the railings in the tunnel, one of them was severely damaged, dozens of passengers were blocked inside.

On July 9, a group of Belarusian tourists started climbing the Kamen volcano in Ust-Kamchatka area.

The fire started in the building that was under reconsruction.

A Volksvagen Golf ingnored the prohibition lights and drove to the railway crossing near Praletarskaya Pieramoha station on July 7.

The plane crash happened at about 4 p.m., July 5, in Topolow near Czestochowa, Poland.

Mikalai Charnavus was detained in Baranavichy on July 2 after he had visited the City Hall and talked to journalists.

Payments with bank cards were disrupted in Minsk's shops in the evening of June 20.

The abandoned barracks near a medical college caught fire on Thursday.