Business in Belarus

In the photo: Yury Averyanov (center). Source:
In the photo: Yury Averyanov (center). Source:
German law-enforcement services detain Belarusian tycoon Yury Averyanov who faces deportation to Belarus for trial.
High Technologies Park in Minsk. Photo: BELTA
High Technologies Park in Minsk. Photo: BELTA
President Lukashenka says Belarus will be the first country in the world that opens wide opportunities for blockchain technology
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The document is described as key in the package of legal measures designed to improve business climate in Belarus.
Senior vice PM Vasil Matsyusheuski has reported the news.
Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia
The agreement was signed in the Ministry of Economy on September 13.
Photo: VP Capital
Photo: VP Capital
Belarusian investor Viktor Prokopenya says it would be too time-consuming to complete his bid for Sberbank Ukraine. introduce 37 new ones! “The introduction is not groundless,” deputy Minister of Economy Iryna Kastsevich thinks.
The president of Belarus tells the country's business circles there will be no more pressure from inspectors. has found the owner of the residence with the help of informed sources.