Business in Belarus

Applications for them were filed by the local activists of the United Civil Party.
The Anti-Crisis Forum of Entrepreneurs was first scheduled to take place on January 25 but was disrupted by the lack of venue.
The public association of self-employed entrepreneurs Perspektyva was refused venue for another forum.P
The rally in Navapolack seems to have attracted more entrepreneurs than in Minsk, judging by the photo.
Protesters walked with a white-red-white flag to the House of the Government during an unauthorized rally in downtown Minsk.
They came to the city centre with the poster ‘I am an entrepreneur’.
This figure was announced by one of the event organizers - Anatol Shumchanka. Not all the SPs were able to fit in the room.
Tax Minister Siarhei Nalivaika says Belarusian tax inspectors are not hoping to get much from small businesses.
The forum, organized by the public association of self-employed entrepreneurs Perspektyva, also invited officials to attend.