Belarus EU

The official Minsk keeps negotiating with the EU to unfreeze bilateral relations on Belarusian terms, the expert says.

The Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs will pay a visit to Lithuania on February 28.

Investments, trade and civil society will be on agenda of the dialogue Belarus and the European Union, says EU official in Minsk.

There are signs of thaw in Belarus-US relations, according to the annual Foreign Policy Review released by the Belarusian MFA.

EU Ambassador to Belarus Maira Mora told BelaPAN about it.

The European Union will continue to defend human rights and support the multilateral international system of human rights in the world.

Belarus and the European Union will continue talks in spring, Deputy Foreign Minister Alena Kupchyna says after meetings in Brussels.

Belarus foreign policy chief Uladzimir Makei meets high-ranking diplomats from the EU, US and Vatican.

Poland will organize a round table discussion at the beginning of 2014.