Zmicier Lukashuk

The ex-presidential candidate Vital Rymasheuski has stated such an opinion in a conversation with Euroradio.

According to Volha Nyakluaeva, this year's Freedom Day is the day of solidarity with political prisoners.

The driver had to pull out the road sign to drive along the narrow road.

Judge Alena Shylko has decided that the guilt of the members of the Young Front has been proved.

The famous politician has explained why the Belarusian leader accused him of having sent Russians to the square and has commented on the list of Russian

The Russian HR defender has told why the Russia's President's Council members were incensed by existense of the "banned Russians list".

Russian human rights defender has received a document which prohibits him to enter Belarus for two years.

However, he has said it will differ from the previous one a lot.

According to the public prosecutor, Vasil Parfiankou participated in mass disturbances, hit the House of Government 61 times and resisted to the police.