Zmicier Lukashuk

Grigori Zhigalov, an international journalist of the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1” has compared the work in revolutionary Egypt, Tunisia and Libya

“Forest Balm” is for small premises. And this is a farm!” – “Volakhi” farmers doubt they will manage to get rid of the smell before President's arrival.

Minsk police's spokesman commented on the actions of people in plain clothes on June 29: they did not introduce themselves or explained the reasons for arrests.

A youngster detained in Kastrychnitskaya Square for "hooliganism" managed to prove in court that he did not swear. He wants to punish police for illegal arrest.

Representatives of 6 movements and parties announced that they had united on June 29 and invited all the protesting forces to join them.

Piotr Prakapovich has not been discharged or retired, he may get back to his working position.

No official comments are available.

Hearing of the case will take place at the premises of the Lenin district department of internal affairs, criminal subdivision.

The UN will consider the problem of human rights in Belarus on June 8. Russian human rights activist Andrei Yurau is taking part in the discussion as an adviser