Zmicier Lukashuk

Euroradio invited three ex-candidates to its office to find out which methods of the Russian election campaign they would like to take over.

Euroradio found out whom the Minskers would prefer among the 5 Russian presidential candidates.

In the opinion of German political scientist Alexander Rahr, the EU-Belarus relations will stay “on the same reserved level”.

The human rights defender's wife Natallia Pinchuk has been informed about this in the Valadarski street detention center.

Belarusian opposition is jealous of the Russians' creativity and... goes to the Bangalore Square.

The singer claims that she sold 2 million tickets to her concerts for 18 years of her career. Saladukha doubts that it's the real number.

Iryna Halip, ex-candidate’s wife, has informed Euroradio about it.

It happened back on November 20. The political prisoner says that they threatened him with his wife and son's security.

Prisoners are also forbidden to describe relations with the administration and their cellmates’ names.