Zmicier Lukashuk

Molotov cocktail bottles luckily miss cars parked near Lithuanian embassy in Minsk.

The autobiography book by Belarus' first post-Soviet head of state gets published in Russian by a Russian company.

With the government change in Lithuania and a new coalition in Ukraine's parliament, what will relations with Belarus look like now?

The band's front-man assures they have produced an ethnic rock piece out of the Polish folk song.

Can members of the international commission speak foreign languages and do members of the budget commission know what budget is like?

Euroradio has asked the victims of the live shield created to stop Raman Mentyuk about their life.

The officials head sports federations but even their subordinates do not always know their attitude to the sports they deal with.

The Belarusian authorities know this and reform the country into a "police state", the experts think.

Belarus security service passed no materials on Russian oppositionist's meeting with Georgian politicians in Minsk.