Zmicier Lukashuk

Russia's Criminal Code does not specify anti-presidential crimes, while in Ukraine attempt at state leader's life may be punished with life-time imprisonment.

ODIHR OSCE Spokesman Thomas Rymer tells Euroradio who prepares the report on the parliamentary election and why they are not afraid of not being invited.

Political scientist Yury Chavusau is sure of it.

Do "most likely candidates" know they may be appointed to the Minister of Culture position?

The online registration problem caused by Belarusian hackers on the website of the Polish consulate will be discussed in Warsaw next week.

CEC Secretary Mikalaj Lazavik speaks about the political prisoner's perspectives for release.

Poland and Belarus signed the program on cooperation between the Ministries of Culture of both countries.

Therefore, the EU's position with regard to political prisoners in our country should be conveyed simply and clearly.

Minsk officials have changed their mind after Lukashenka's words.