Zmicier Lukashuk

The day of unity of the Belarusian and Russian peoples is marked on April 2. Does the Union State really work?

Human rights center "Vyasna" presents a new report about the situation with human rights in Belarus

The decision to return the money was taken back in the summer of 2011 after the criminal case against the UCP leader was closed

The sum is aimed to cover the expenses for the ambulance services - no other services were required during the street action.

Lithuania's former PM, Member of Parliament Andrius Kubilius speaks about Belarus' gravitation to Europe.

The draft bill has already been sent to the Presidential Administration for approval.

Teresa Strzelec is banned from leaving Belarus until she clears off her debt to the Belarusian state

But MEP Justas Paleckis would not have been allowed in Belarus, if he demanded to meet with political prisoners prior to his visit

An international team consisting of a Turkish producer and a Belgian director of photography has made the video.