Zmicier Lukashuk

The police did not interfere.

The Belarusian and Ukrainian riot police acted in the same way during the Square-2010 and Maidan-2013.

Belarusians not only participate in the protest actions in Ukraine, but try to organize ones in Belarus.

The Belarus Foreign Minister at Vilnius summit comments on the statement by the European Commission President over visa talks with Belarus.

President of the European Commission thinks that free travelling of people will facilitate development of democracy in Belarus.

The Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs has commented on the possibility of reducing the visa costs for our citizens.

The more EaP member states want to cooperate with the EU, the more they will get.

The European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy has commented on the prospects of EU development programmes in Belarus.

The Lithuanian President has urged the governments of the EaP member state to promote the development of civil communities.