Zmicier Lukashuk

A phone conversation between a person sounding like the ex-Ukrainian President’s son and a man with a voice resembling Lukashenka’s has appeared.

Lukashenka allegedly can be heard discussing with Yanukovich Junior a back-up plan for Viktor Yanukovich to seek asylum in Belarus.

The ex-Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, a Maidan leader and Petro Poroshenko’s adviser has told Euroradio about it.

Experts: The visit of Belarusian president to Serbia was made possible by loopholes in the law, but it may cost a lot to Serbia politically.

Exports of Belarus-made goods to Russia is down 7% since the West's recent sanctions against Moscow, says economist Yaraslau Ramanchuk.

Euroradio checks the terms of opposition leaders at the reign of their parties after Anatol Lyabedzka is again elected as United Civil Party leader.

7 youngest EU member states have marked the 10th anniversary of their membership (PHOTO).

It does not contradict our country’s social orientation, the vice PM assured.

Referendums dedicated to the status of Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts have been held in East Ukraine.