Zmicier Lukashuk

Activist Vital Karatysh reckons he got drafted to prevent him from participating in the parliamentary election campaign.
The Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus continues pushing for the restoration of civil rights for former political prisoners.
Websites in Belarus will have to report to Information Ministry about deleted illegal drugs-related information - draft.
Lukashenka gets praise from Western experts for his geopolitical split at the Minsk Dialogue conference in Belarus capital.
Belarusian deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs has announced it at an international conference in Minsk.
The number is announced before the creation of a new parliament every time and it is usually possible to make it happen, she said.
The Minister of Internal Affairs has commented on the detention of oppositionists for Euroradio.
Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich admits that mass confiscation of motorbikes is retaliation for the accident with the inspector.
According to the Minister of Internal Affairs, the police are investigating Belarusians fighting on both sides in Ukraine.