Vital Ruhain

Euroradio has found out what the children ask for.

There will be no January season tickets in Belarusian, they are already in Russian.

Whom else has the Belarusian leader fired this year? (table)

Lyudmila Shakhryna is on the sick leave now. She visits a psychotherapist and spends much time in the police.

Two ambulance cars arrived to the accident site, witnessed by Euroradio correspondent. A traffic jam occurred.

A criminal case for violence against a person who performs his duties has been started against him. He faces up to 5 years in jail.

The conflict started when the woman tried to fine a schoolboy.

Euroradio has been comparing New Year's prices in restaurants for three years.

The builders are demounting the center at the moment, while the detainees have been transferred to the neighbouring building of the pre-trial detention center.