Vital Ruhain

The €2150 fine has been cancelled after a revision.

Arkadz Krachun tried to appeal his fine and was deprived of his driving license instead.

The Lithuanian Embassy in Minsk alone issued 180 000 visas to Belarusians within 11 months in 2014.

Pollsters have analyzed Maidan protesters and their demands.

The opposition politicians' ratings are not growing, but Yanukovych's rating is going down.

Even building lyceum pupils are cleaning the territory. It is called “a voluntary action”.

The headmaster of construction vocational lyceum insists it was a voluntary action.

The road signs prohibiting parking and driving in the street at the weekends have not been removed after the summer season.

"This is a war! Russians, go!” an elderly woman is urging the youth to fight migrants. The crowd is heading for a vegetable warehouse.