Pavel Sviardlou

The bank has explained to Euroradio why confidential questionnaires appeared on the Internet on August 10.

The main thoroughfare of the Belarusian capital turned into a rapid river after a downpour that lasted for about half an hour on July 28.

The incident has occurred on their arrival to Panevezhis. The Barysau club will play with the local club “Ekranas” today.

The Minister of Economy has told why he avoids the word "liberalization" and what will happen if you bring an anti-crisis programme from the street.

Deputy Minister of Information Lidziya Ananich says that all subscribers’ letters in support of their favourite newspaper “look like carbon copies”.

The hashtag #agl17 has hit the top of the trends on Twitter today, on June 17. It is the fifth popular topic in the world as of 1 p.m.

Public utility charges will double by the end of 2011.

60 of them will work in the press box and about 100 people will be working not far from the football pitch to broadcast the match on TV.

The French kept autographing and allowed taking pictures of them, but did not say much.