Pavel Sviardlou

Bildt and Sikorski welcomed release of the Belarusian ex-presidential candidate, while MEP Lisek urged "not to forget about the others" (photo).

The loss of peaceful life, sadness, doubts, fear of the metro. However, a person … who does not know about the terrorist act has been found in Minsk streets!

Her husband worked there before the terrorist act. “I was surprised to see that people helped”, says Natallya Illina.

The organization’s press service has informed Euroradio about it.

A youngster with face covered with hood accompanies the father, and an unknown man in sports jacket watches over the house.

They have to buy food, clothes, drugs and pay for the hall of residence… Natallya Radkevich is asking people to help her.

However, the Belarusian participant of “Eurovision-2012” is not planning any foreign tours. The band says that they are not the key to success at “Eurovision”.

The UNO Secretary General should have asked the Belarusian state leader to postpone execution of Kanavalau and Kavalyou.

The band lost an opportunity to go on promo tour to Chisinau. At the same time, producers from Greece has been invited to work on the musicians' image and song.