Pavel Sviardlou

The current world and European champions have lost the second game in a row – 0:1, thus losing all chances to make it to the next round of the tournament.

The factory administration is not going to refuse from the brand and is not planning to produce "Yakub" toilet paper.

Euroradio has tried to find out when Belarusian intellectuals punished for using bad language by Belarusian courts called somebody names last time.

The sentence has been pronounced by judge Tatstsyana Matyl who is "blacklisted" by the EU.

They demand 50 000 for food in the detention center - 2,5 times more. Euroradio found the cafe which cooks food for the most popular detention center in Minsk.

What to do if you cannot find a lawyer? What questions does a judge ask? How to "catch" witnesses on discrepancies? See the journalist's personal experience.

Should you run if policemen tries to arrest you? What should not be signed in the police office? Euroradio journalist paid for the answers with 15 days in jail.

Paulo Bento's team has defeated the Czech team - 1:0.

His flat has been searched and his PC has been confiscate. Pochobut may be imprisoned for up to 3 years.